I think Jammet suggested jokingly that Scott replace it with a new one. The carcass was removed out back somewhere, and as I was browsing, they began to argue about the moth-eaten pelt that hangs over the door. Scott yelled and Jammet apologized profusely it was impossible to be angry with him, what with his charm and his limp. The tongue lolled out of the mouth, which was pulled back in a grimace. So the wolf's face was the first thing I saw when I walked in.

It was winter and the parts looked fairly fresh, but the con became common knowledge, to Scott's disgust. Scott insisted on the whole carcass, having once been bamboozled by a Yankee who brought in a pair of ears one day and claimed his bounty, then some time later brought in the paws for another dollar, and finally the tail. I had gone to get needles, and he had come in for the bounty. The last time I saw Laurent Jammet, he was in Scott's store with a dead wolf over his shoulder.