Since then I have been unable to get this upcoming novel out of my head. I first learned about The Signature of All Things when Gilbert announced that her fans would be picking the cover of the novel. I don’t want the hype to influence my review, opinion, or expectations which is why I avoided Eat, Pray, Love initially, but with that said, now that I’ve started exploring Gilbert’s other works I will gladly pick up that book in the future! When a book starts receiving lots of hype I usually try and steer clear until the hype dies down. I have seen the movie though which I am sure doesn’t come close to the book itself. Ironically, I would say the most commonly asked question from my reads is if I have read Eat, Pray, Love….I have to admit, I have not. Gilbert is the best selling author of Eat, Pray, Love and on October 1st, she will release her first novel in twelve years, The Signature of All Things. On October 1st 2013, embark on a magical and enchanting journey around the world with NY Times bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert!