The eyes that kiss in the corners
The eyes that kiss in the corners

the eyes that kiss in the corners

These bookshelves give me inspiration to write and tell stories – I see what an impact they have on my own kids and I hope that I tell stories that do the same in homes and schools outside my own.'I have eyes that kiss in the corners and glow like warm tea.' WHERE IS THE POOP? is probably my 3-year-old’s favorite book, and my 6-year-old is a LEGO fanatic, so we have a lot of LEGO books in our home. If you look carefully, though, you’ll see it’s not always (or even mostly!) serious in our home. That is also my goal as an educator and author. I want them to grow up empowered and ready to do their part to dismantle injustice and oppression.

the eyes that kiss in the corners

You can see a lot of anti-racist books and social justice-themed books on my shelves because I work hard to teach my kids to be aware and critical of the society in which we live. I try to fill our shelves with inclusive books that particularly highlight the stories and voices of people who have historically been marginalized. I have two goofballs – age 3 and 6 – and my favorite part of the day is snuggling them while we read books at bedtime. This is a picture of the bookshelf in my kids’ room. My day job is as the vice principal of a high school, and some of my responsibilities include working with students who are caught cutting corners and misrepresenting their work, so I felt some type of way about doing that for this photo! I thought about cheating and moving some books from my educator and YA shelves onto my kids’ bookshelves to show a wider range of books that I enjoy reading, but ultimately I decided not to. I have a lot of bookshelves around my little home. Joanna Ho with Eyes That Kiss in the Corners Joanna Ho’s Shelfie

The eyes that kiss in the corners