The world building seemed to be lacking a little but as it’s only the first vol and an info dump is never looked upon favourably, it was probably a better strategy to have more information left out to be revealed in later vols about how the magic within the Book and surrounding the vampires works. The plot was compelling and the characters were interesting. Otherwise, everything in this was pretty well done. And I felt like this was mostly what let this vol down. It was constant rabid action lines that explained hardly anything of the actions occurring and also strangely small panels that focused on certain objects or limbs, but they were so zoomed into the object that I couldn’t figure out what the focus was supposed to be on. I found the art style did not convey movement very well. If anyone so much as moved at a speed faster than a walk I was completely lost as to what was going on. However, the fight scenes were pretty much indecipherable. The art was very beautiful and I loved the details. And many of the other characters stood out and made an impression. The dynamic between Vanitas and Noé was pretty great. And for the most part it worked well, although it could’ve been better. This had so much potential! Vampires and steampunk and magic and a whole bunch of interesting characters thrown into the mix. *Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review*